New Name Input Wanted

On October 18, 2023, the members of Washtenaw Audubon Society voted overwhelmingly to change the name of our organization. As we move forward with the process of choosing a new name for our beloved group, we believe it is vital to seek input from our community. With this objective in mind, the board of directors invites your input and asks that you consider some basic criteria while doing so: The new name should avoid being based on an individual’s name, reflect our mission (outlined below), and foster an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere for a diverse community. Our constitution states that:

“The purpose of the Washtenaw Audubon Society, Incorporated, shall be: To promote the conservation of wildlife and natural beauty in all possible ways, with a particular focus on birds; to cooperate with other organizations whose aims correspond to those of this corporation; to develop and maintain a conservation program for the youth and adults of the community.”

We invite you to suggest name(s) and share your thoughts here:

Thank you for your time and effort in assisting us in gathering a comprehensive range of feedback. This input is crucial as we progress toward formulating recommendations for the membership’s consideration to amend our constitution with a new name.

Contact Us

Questions? Comments? Send us a message. Please remember that we are all volunteers, and as such we may be out birding and won’t reply until later. 

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