International Field Trip to Madagascar

 (July 31–Aug 17, 2024)

Please consider joining fellow members of Washtenaw Bird & Nature Alliance in an international birding trip to Madagascar. Virtually every creature on Madagascar is endemic and this trip will be focused on seeing as wide a variety of birds and other animals as possible. We will be targeting over 120 endemic birds, including representatives of the seven endemic families and subfamilies unique to the island. We hope to see over 20 species of lemur, including Ring-tailed, Sifakas and Indris. Night walks will be done looking for some of the nocturnal ones. There is also fantastic diversity of reptiles and amphibians, with likely great sightings of various colorful and gorgeous chameleons. Sadly, most are threatened by continued deforestation, making Madagascar a “must-visit-soon” destination, not to mention a region in urgent need of immediate ecological preservation.

We will be birding at an easy pace a variety of ecosystems from rainforest to dry forest and from mountainous to coastal, even boating out to a smaller island for nesting Tropicbirds. There will be some great opportunities for photography, as well. 

If you have any questions, would like more information (detailed itinerary, lodging, costs) or would like to sign up for the trip, please contact Bryn Martin at . We need a minimum of 4 participants for the trip to run and it is limited to 8 on a first come basis, so please let me know ASAP if you are interested in signing up. 

Participants need to be members of Washtenaw Bird & Nature Alliance. If you are not already a member, please visit the website and do so. Thank you.

Contact Us

Questions? Comments? Send us a message. Please remember that we are all volunteers, and as such we may be out birding and won’t reply until later. 

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