Big News! We’re Back.

We have big news to announce!  Beginning this month, October 2021, Matthaei Botanical Gardens has opened their meeting facility, for groups such as Washtenaw Audubon Society.  Therefore, our October Meeting will be held in person.  Please join us for visiting and connecting at 7:10 p.m. on October 20th, 2021.  The program will begin promptly at 7:30.  We are pleased to bring you Ben Lucking, speaking about his recent trip to Ecuador, where he travelled unguided, and shot a treasure trove of beautiful bird photos. We hope you’ll join us, wearing your mask regardless of vaccination status, since we’ll be indoors together. Matthaei Botanical Gardens is at 1800 N. Dixboro Rd. in Ann Arbor.  Details can be found here on our website, including a map link.For those who can’t attend in person, we will be trying to simulcast via Zoom.  The Zoom link is here. This is our first attempt at Zooming while presenting in person, so your patience is appreciated.

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 999 5953 0793
Passcode: 289387 (NOTE: UMICH Zoom now requires us to use passcodes for security)
Or dial-in: 312-626-6799 

Contact Us

Questions? Comments? Send us a message. Please remember that we are all volunteers, and as such we may be out birding and won’t reply until later. 

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