Join WAS friends and Oakland Bird Alliance for a tour of this State Park, a gem on the Detroit River. We’ll search for waterfowl, gulls, waders, raptors and other goodies on the river and in the woods. We’ll tour mostly by car, but will stop and get out with scopes and binoculars. A mile long walk in the interior is planned for migrating songbirds and other feathered friends.
Directions: Meet at the Nature Center parking lot (map) at 8 am sharp. For those interested in carpooling, we will meet at the Plymouth Road Park and Ride (map) for a 7:00 am departure. A State Park Recreation Passport is required to drive on the island.
Leaders : Don Burlett & Jeff Stacy
eBird Checklist Signup: If you are attending the walk and would like the eBird checklist shared with you, please give us your email or eBird username here (you may do this onsite well):
All are welcome and encouraged to join us. New to birding? Bird curious? No binoculars? No problem! There is no better way to learn than to get out in the field with experienced birders that love to help. Plus, you get to meet awesome people. Absolutely everyone is welcome and encouraged to come out. We will have many pairs of quality binoculars on hand for anyone to use.