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Costa Rica: Corcovado and the Central Highlands

January 6, 2025 - January 16, 2025

Maximum 6 participants with 2 leaders

With an unbelievable diversity of habitats, scenery, and wildlife packed into a small nation sandwiched between the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean, Costa Rica is widely regarded as perhaps the best country for ecotourism in the world. The birds will be spectacular throughout the trip. We’ll hopefully see dozens of species of hummingbirds and tanagers, several species endemic to Costa Rica, and dozens of regionally endemic species shared between Costa Rica and Western Panama. Besides the birds, we’ll be taking in the equally diverse and beautiful scenery of central and southern Costa Rica, as well as exciting tropical mammal species, such as howler and spider monkeys, sloths, and potentially the rare Baird’s Tapir.

First, a trip down the Pacific Coast will take us to the wild, remote, and largely protected Osa Peninsula. Here, Scarlet Macaws are common, and a number of country and regional endemics are to be found. Perhaps most exciting here is the newly discovered Puntarenas Screech-Owl, not yet formally described to science. Previously lumped in with Choco Screech-Owl, the population around the Osa Peninsula has quite a different song, and is well separated geographically from the almost entirely South American Chocó.

From the Osa, we will head into the cooler climate of the highland cloud forests around San Gerardo de Dota. This area holds good densities of Resplendent Quetzal, as well as a number of highly range-restricted regional endemics, including Fiery-throated Hummingbird and Timberline Wren. Continuing North, our next base will be Orosi, nestled in the foothills South of San José. This area of middle elevation rainforests and agricultural land is home to some of Costa Rica’s most prized species, such as Snowcap and Three-wattled Bellbird.



  • Includes all lodging, in-country transport, food, and guiding.
  • Alcoholic beverages, flights, and tips are not included.
  • Price is based on double accommodation, let us know early if you would prefer single accommodation, as this may be tricky or impossible at some of the smaller accommodations.


  • Email Ben Lucking at
  • $500 deposit to reserve spot

Further Questions

Any inquiries, requests, or further questions are welcome and can be directed to Ben Lucking at or Colin Dobson at .




January 6, 2025
January 16, 2025
Event Category:

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