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This is a friendly team birding competition where teams pick one road in the county to see how many birds they can see in a morning along that road. If you have a team, great. If not, that’s OK too; register and we will help set you up with a team. 

More details and competition rules can be found here. 

Everyone is welcome to join the teams for lunch and tally rally at 11:30 AM at the Alpha Diner (map here). We will switch to Zoom if Washtenaw County COVID Community Transmission level is above moderate as defined by the CDC. We will assess things one week from the event and communicate plans with registrants at that time.  

No need to participate in the event to join us for lunch.

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One Road Challenge Registration

Please register below. Please include the team leader and all team members along with your team name below. Once registrations complete, you will receive an email conformation of your registration.
Registration Type

Team & Leader Information

Registrant Name

Additional Team Members

Teammate 1
Teammate 2
Teammate 3
Teammate 4

Contact Us

Questions? Comments? Send us a message. Please remember that we are all volunteers, and as such we may be out birding and won’t reply until later. 

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How do you want us to contact you?