Ford Lake and its boardwalk provide one of the best winter birding opportunities in Washtenaw County. There have been 76 species seen at Ford Lake in February. We look forward to seeing a variety of waterfowl, gulls and local winter birds.
Directions: Meet at the parking lot off of South Grove Street. Lot is located south of I-94 at the northeast corner of Ford Lake, across from the Citgo Station at the intersection of Service Drive and South Grove St.
Leader: Matthew Spoor
All are welcome and encouraged to join us. New to birding? Bird curious? No binoculars? No problem! There is no better way to learn than to get out in the field with experienced birders that love to help. Plus, you get to meet awesome people. Absolutely everyone is welcome and encouraged to come out. We will have many pairs of quality binoculars on hand for anyone to use.
eBird Checklist Signup: If you are attending the walk and would like the eBird checklist shared with you, please give us your email or eBird username here (you may do this onsite well):