In July 2021 we revived a treasured tradition of our past, the Annual Picnic. Close to 50 WAS members and prospective members attended this year. It was so moving to see us all gathered under the picnic shelter at Dexter Huron MetroPark, after over a year of not seeing anyone in groups. See photos below from Bill Nolting.

This year we honored Andy Dettling, the WAS birder who saw the most bird species in the County for 2020, a never to be repeated 255 species, and presented him with the coveted Wingnut Award, an actual wingnut attached to a piece of wood! Morgan Chen, then 10 years old, received the Acorn Award, a lovely hand- carved trophy that Andy created, for seeing 217 species in Washtenaw County, more than any other young birder. Congrats to the both of them. I was even honored as 2019’s Wingnut recipient, since my party was held virtually due to COVID.

At the Annual Picnic, WAS Board members had the chance to share what we have been doing for you during the time we could not be together in person. Our first ever WAS survey to members and friends gave us lots of info about what you want from WAS in general. Most members want more engagement, more events, more field trips, and more communication about what we are working towards. We’ll be putting communication and planning more events on the front burner, going forward.

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Questions? Comments? Send us a message. Please remember that we are all volunteers, and as such we may be out birding and won’t reply until later. 

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